
前几天,跟二哥孙溪谈起“网上孙家”建设问题,我提及他写过的文章《孙家事》作为一种回顾与反思,作为一种对家事的再认识,放上来挺有意义(这篇短文曾通过E-mail发给了各位),二哥当下表示“可以呀,你就帮我放上去好了!” 我自然要遵命了。经再次征求他的意见,他讲:不做修改了,原汁原味好。下面,即是2011年8月3日(星期三) 下午3:24孙溪用E-mail发给各位的《孙家事》原文。














Dear brothers, sister and our beloved children:

Family background 

Over the past years, we did not like to talk about our family and its history among ourselves. Our parents had seldom talked to us about the family history either. We were afraid to talk about our history because we believed the more you knew about it the more troubles you would get into. Nevertheless, our father had never tried to hide anything from his supervisory leaders controlled by the Communist Party in his work place. He reported to the party leaders everything he knew about himself and his family. His honesty, however, did not get any better treatment from the government or from the party. Instead, he had been crowned by many different anti-revolutionary titles in each revolutionary movement (political campaign). Our mother did not want to add extra confusion and trouble to the children because of the ‘bad family background’, so she told us little.

(People with bad family background, as it was called during the Cultural Revolution, refers to those people who owned their own properties at the time when Communist Party took over the country in 1949. The properties could be a manufactory in a city, a piece of land in a countryside, a rental property etc. If someone ever served for KMT, it would be even worse. Our family used to have rental properties in Beijing).

During the Cultural Revolution the family atmosphere was tense and the relationship between parents and children was abnormal in some respects. No one in this family had ever gone through an easy process when they applied for a job, applied to a college, or even more eager to be a member of the Communist Party or the Youth League. Despite years of reform and the opening up of the county, some ​​imprisonment has not been released.

So now, we all have our own family but we know little about our family history.

Getting into the “home” territory 

Now our parents have passed away many years, not to mention our grandparents. Talking about our early generations, we have never seen our grandfather and his two younger brothers. Our grandfather had three sons and our father was the second and they are all no longer alive. That’s all we knew until our recent family search. Our family background will remain a mystery if we do not start our work today. Our children and grandchildren would have no clue of where they were from forever.

To fulfill our responsibility, our first step is to Ren Zu Gui Zong – to find out about our grandparents. This is in our wish list for a long time.

(Our grandmother lived with us for a number of years but we had little information about our grandfather, for example we don’t know his birth date and the date when he passed away.)

Thanks to Sun Li, Sun Jun and Sun Xi’s efforts, especially the work of Sun Jun, who collected many nearly lost memories and a lot of valuable data. We are greatly thankful to our grandaunt 3 and our uncles (who are still living in Beijing) – Wu-shu, Gong-shu (sons of our granduncle 3) and Ying-shu (son of granduncle 2), through whom we have finally established a link to the family tree. Little by little and piece by piece, we gradually put all collected information and data together and the picture of the family becomes clearer than ever. Sun Jun has also interviewed many of our father’s old colleagues and friends. Many of them provided valuable information. Sun Jun still continues his research to compile more information together for the family. Sun Li created a website ‘Family Sun on the Net’ which contains information about the development of our efforts during the course. The website will eventually becomes our research library for the family. Everyone is encourage to contribute. The information will be passed from generation to generation on this platform so our future generations can understand what this family has gone through during these many turbulent events in the history This requires all our efforts today.

Combining graves

Jun, Wu, Li and I discussed and communicated with grandaunt 3, Wu-shu, Gong-shu and Ying-shu, and we all believed that we need to find a piece of land to build a tomb for our grandparents in Beijing. Our lonely grandmother has been buried in a rural northeast for many years. Grandpa’s remaining has never been found and he did not leave any photographs and belongings. After so many times of discussions and considerations, we all agreed that we need to combine grandmother’s tomb to one that belongs to our grandfather. The ideal place has been Beijing Spa Cemetery which is the place where our granduncle 2 and granduncle 3 are buried. After many months on the waiting list, we have purchased a grave land in Beijing Spa Cemetery and the place fits our grandparents perfectly in order with their other two brothers. From now on it should be the ancestral land for our family. We should be proud of our family and our family history. Now everything is ready and we are waiting for an appropriate day to go back to Jilin Shulan where our grandmother is buried. As a teacher’s guidance, as well as a concern from Sun Jun for the harvest season in Northeast, we will have our trip to the Northeast in the fall.


Coincidentally, my son (Xiaoqiao) told me last week that he is ready to have his wedding. I think this is an opportunity to have the white and red ceremonies celebrated together. We don’t have the exact arrangement yet, but I think it is better to let everyone know so we can all make our own plans accordingly. Sun Xiaoqiao will send his own announcement to everyone in a later date.

Xiaoying,  please make sure to read this letter to you father, and Hou Bin please make sure your mother will receive this letter as well (for some reason the emails that I sent to your mother get bounced back many times). Sun Li please translate this letter to Rosy and George.


2012 年 03 月 05 日

2012 年 03 月 07 日

Posted in 2010-2019, 2012, Collection, General, 我們的父母.